Saturday 30 March 2019

Our art

For inquiry we have moved onto plant life cycles. So in art we are drawing flowers! We are focusing on blending, making colours blend into another. We’re having a great time with this. 

Wednesday 27 March 2019

We are learning about probability!

We are learning to investigate situations that involve elements of chance.

We have discussed some language that links with probability, for example: High chance, low chance, equal chance. To practise this language and to look into probability more we played a game! Ask your child what they learnt!

Tuesday 26 March 2019

When I got eaten by a whale!

Room 16 were inspired by the news article a few weeks ago when a man in South Africa got swallowed by a whale!

We discussed what it would look like, feel like and smell like to be in a whales mouth and created some descriptive recounts to share our experiences.

These are now in our classroom along the window - please come and read our fabulous pieces of writing.

Chinese New Year Dragon

Here is our dragon to celebrate Chinese New Year!

We truly enjoyed creating this! Each of our names has been translated into Chinese and popped onto a plate we decorated. 

Place value learning

We have been doing lots of place value learning in maths. We have been looking at Hundreds, Tens and Ones.

Here is the song we have been watching!

We made some place value ice creams to reinforce and practice our place value knowledge. 

We have also had students lead learning on our activ board where we have been practising our place value knowledge. Great stuff Room 16!

Our class inquiry

We are focusing on life cycles this term! We have got our very own tadpoles and watched them transform into frogs. 

We have done lots of learning about frogs, their habitats and what they like to eat. 

We are now moving on to the change that flowers or plants make in their life cycle.  Check in soon to see our learning around this!

Our class Waka

Here is our classroom waka!
It symbolises us all heading in the same direction and working together. 

As a class we came up with 11 expectations for us to all work towards during the year (these are the fish). The waves are the school dispositions which you can see on the school logo. 

Welcome to Room 16!

A warm welcome to all the parents and students in Room 16. Our blog is a space where we can share our learning and exciting things that go on in our classroom. Please check out our "how to leave a comment page" to see how best to leave comments on our learning.